Connection and service fees to be applied in natural gas distribution have been increased by rates ranging from 43.65 percent to 77.96 percent. Source: 2025 natural gas connection and service fees increased.
EPDK increased the connection fees to be applied in natural gas distribution by approximately 78 percent and the service fees by 43.65 percent to 47.11 percent.
According to the news of Enerji Günlüğü, the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK) determined the fees in the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Connection and Service Fees of the Natural Gas Distribution Sector for 2025 with its decision numbered 13155 dated December 26, 2025. The new fees came into force as of January 01, 2025. Accordingly, the said fees were increased by rates ranging from 43.65 percent to 77.96 percent. Thus, the upper limits and increase rates of connection and service fees in 2025 will be applied as follows.
Subscriber connection fee: 6154 TL (77.96%)
Additional subscriber connection fee: 5353 TL/100m2 (77.95%)
Connection control and approval fee: 3471 TL/first 100m (%47.07)
Connection control and approval fee: 22 TL/additional 1m (%46.66)
Security deposit combi: 3035 TL/unit (45.42%)
Security deposit stove: 2673 TL/residence (45.66%)
Security deposit central system: 2673 TL/BBS (%45.66)
Security deposit January: 181 TL (43.65%)
Security deposit for water heater: 362 TL (43.65%)
Prepaid meter replacement fee: 1630 TL (47.11%)
Meter on/off fee: 157 TL (46.72%)
Service box removal fee: 1384 TL (47.07%).
G4, G6: 277 TL/piece (47.34%)
G10, G16, G25: 519 TL/piece (47.02%)
G40, G65, G100: 1,031 TL/piece (47.07%)
G160, G250, G400: 1,572 TL/piece (47.05%)
Larger than G44: 2,118 TL/piece (47.08%)
Column line: 277TL/project (%47.34)
Preliminary project: 92TL/project (%46.03).
New connection and service fees will be published on the distribution companies’ internet homepages indefinitely, without any access limits and in a way that is easily accessible. Source: