The gold ingot was followed by the euro, which yielded 3.34 percent in monthly real earnings based on the PPI and the dollar, with 1.57 percent from the PPI, and deposit interest.
Gold (ingot) was the most profitable investment in August, bringing 7.16 percent to investors according to the producer price index (PPI) and 7.31 percent based on the consumer price index (CPI). According to data from the Turkish Statistics Institute (TurkStat), the real profits earned by gold investors were 7.16 percent after earnings were adjusted to the PPI rate and 7.31 by the CPI rate.The gold ingot was followed by the euro, which yielded 3.34 percent in monthly real earnings based on the PPI and the dollar, with 1.57 percent from the PPI, and deposit interest.
The Borsa İstanbul National 100 (BIST 100) Index — a capitalization-weighted index composed of national market companies except investment trusts — was, however, a loss for its investors. The BIST 100 dropped 3.65 percent for its investors. On a three-month basis, the euro yielded 7.43 percent in real earnings on a PPI basis and 9.07 percent on a CPI basis, becoming the biggest money maker of all financial instruments in that time. The BIST 100 was the biggest loser in a three-month period, costing 22.45 percent on a PPI basis and 21.26 on a CPI basis. Over a period of six months, the dollar gave the highest profits for investors, bringing 6.2 percent in real profits on a PPI basis and 8.31 percent on a CPI basis. The BIST 100 was the loser of the sixth-month period as well, sustaining a loss of 11.95 percent in PPI terms and 10.56 percent in terms of CPI.
Over a yearly period, the euro yielded the highest profits (10.81 as per PPI, and 8.98 percent as per CPI). The gold ingot was the winner in August, but for the year, it actually caused its investors a loss of 14.10 percent on a PPI basis and 15.52 percent on a CPI basis.
Source World Bulletin