Anyone who has paid entry fees in Istanbul will realise how quickly they mount up. Well now holders of residence permits the get a card that will pay for itself in no time.
The Museum Card (shown above) was first issued in 2006, as a season ticket to all historic sites and museums run by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. However, it was only available for Turkish citizens.
30TL Per Year
Now you can get one if you have a residence permit. The other side of the card will show your photograph and other data copied from your residence permit, it only costs 30TL and is valid for a year.
Anyone who has paid entry fees in Istanbul will realise how quickly the card will pay for itself and, once you’ve got a card, it’s amazing how many sites you can find to visit by following brown signs. Free entry certainly encourages an interest in history!
You get the card from any museum or site, and wait until you are actually making a visit to get your card. No point getting it in advance as its validity will only tick away when it isn’t being used.
If you apply for it at a museum where entry fee is 10TL, you pay an extra 20TL to get the card and go into the museum.
Over 400 Sites to Visit
There are almost 400 sites at which it can be used across Turkey and with many of them charging 20TL or more for entry the card will soon pay for itself.
So make sure you get your Müze Kart and enjoy free culture.
Click the link shown below to visit the official website.