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This is an article published recently in the media:–

They Paid Thousands of Euros to Own a House and They Became Victims

S.Ü., the owner of the company who allegedly sold luxury residences, whose construction work has not yet started, to more than one person in Aydın’s Kuşadasi district, disappeared. The victims, who allegedly lost thousands of liras by paying different amounts of money, are preparing to file a criminal complaint with the prosecutor’s office through their lawyers.

S.Ü., the owner of the company who allegedly sold luxury residences, whose construction work has not yet started, to more than one person in Aydın’s Kuşadası district, disappeared. The victims, who allegedly lost thousands of liras by paying different amounts of money, are preparing to file a criminal complaint with the prosecutor’s office through their lawyers. S.Ü., the owner of a construction company operating in Kuşadasi, allegedly announced on his website last year that he would build a site consisting of 95 luxury flats on approximately 4 decares of land in İkiçeşmelik District. Those who saw the project, which will include a swimming pool, indoor and outdoor parking, sauna and fitness centers, started purchasing houses by calling the company’s sales-marketing unit. Citizens, who saw that the construction work had not started yet after a year had passed, claimed that the owner of the company went bankrupt and disappeared with the money he collected from them. The victims, who lost thousands of liras, euros and dollars by paying different amounts of money to the company, said that they would file a criminal complaint with the prosecutor’s office through their lawyers.

They experienced the second shock.

Some victims, who could not get their homes despite paying the money, experienced the second shock when they learned that the same flat was sold to more than one person by the company. Although they wanted to contact the company owner, S.Ü., to get their money back, the victims could not reach them. When they called a person who previously worked in the sales-marketing unit of the company, he said, “There are many victims like you right now. I’m so sorry for everyone. He replied, “Hire yourself a very good lawyer and fight for your rights.”

Project advertisements are still on the internet.

On the other hand, although the company went bankrupt and its owner went missing, it was revealed that advertisements and sales notices containing information about the project are still live on the internet and social media platforms. It is claimed that the market was defrauded of 20 million euros through the project, for which no license application was made to the municipality.

“My dreams have been destroyed.”

One of the victims, Yusuf Kalay, who is married and has two children and lives in Germany, stated that his dreams had been destroyed and said, “I saw the project through my friends and liked it very much. Later, I contacted the company officials and bought a 1+1 flat by paying 60 thousand euros. However, when the houses were not built after a long time, I became suspicious and did some research. I learned that flat number 85, which I bought, was also sold to others. I paid the money by taking a loan.

“All my dreams have collapsed,” he said.

Update on this story:

Luxury villa profiteer in Kuşadası was caught!

S.Ü., the owner of the company, who allegedly sold luxury residences, the construction of which has not yet started, to more than one person in Aydın’s Kuşadası district, was caught by police teams in Izmir.



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