Works have been initiated to bring the healing thermal water of Muğla’s İçmeler district into the tourism sector. The water is believed to cure some women’s diseases as well as smooth wrinkles and celluloid

Thermal water from the Aegean province of Muğla’s Marmaris town is believed to heal some woman’s diseases as well as smooth out wrinkles and celluloid problems. Works have been initiated to bring this healing thermal water into the tourism sector. The goal is to extend the town’s tourism season to stretch throughout the year.

The healing water located in İçmeler and thought to be the beauty source of the demi-goddess Hamithea, will be given priority for tourism purposes.
Most shops in the town close after the tourism season comes to an end, turning Marmaris into an abandoned place, Marmaris Tourism and Environment Volunteers Group Chair Filiz Ersan said. Shop owners covered their windows with papers, but Marmaris, which is a world brand in tourism, did not deserve to see such things and should extend the season to the whole year in order to prevent them from occurring, she said.

Healing thermal water

According to Ersan, geophysics engineer Hakan Beyaz had prepared a thesis to bring the healing water into tourism use. “Fifteen academics including Beyaz and Oğuz Gündoğdu of Istanbul University have made research in the region and prepared a report in 2009. As a result of this research, it is stated in the report that this thermal water heals orthopedic, respiratory problems and some woman’s diseases,” she said.

But the report was shelved, Ersan said. “The hotels that become empty in winter will be full thanks to the Goddess Hemtihea Healing Water Center. The reports say this water makes people healthier. As it is known, the most important problem of artists are wrinkles and cellulite. The health center that will open in İçmeler will be rushed to by celebrities. Marmaris will be the holiday center instead of Bodrum.”

Marmaris Trade Chamber Chairman Mehmet Baysal said that Hemithea was a demi-goddess that made the ancient city of Kastabos in the Eren Mountain behind İçmeler.

“It was a city where festivities were organized in the ancient city. The healing water always existed there. Talks have been continuing with some organizations to rehabilitate the healing water,” he said.

Baysal said that when compared to European examples, İçmeler’s potential would be a new breath for tourism and that such a project would make great contributions to extend tourism to 12 months.



Source Hurriyet

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