The Environment and Urbanization Minister recently announced that the import of ozone depleting materials has been diminished.
Last year, 2.3 tons of ozone depleting materials were imported; however the amount has been reduced to 500 tons this year. The ministry is continuing its efforts to follow local and international studies related with “The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer,” that Turkey acceded in 1991. Minister Idris Gulluce said a quota has been set on ozone depleting materials since 2009.
“The Finance Ministry will prepare a quota distribution scheme for 2015 within February and send it to the registered firms,” Gulluce said.
For control purposes, only certain customs are allowed to import ozone depleting materials including the Trakya Free Zone Customs Directorate, the Ambarlı Customs Directorate, the Dilovası Customs Directorate, the Derince Customs Directorate, the Izmir Customs Directorate and the Mersin Customs Directorate. The ministerial statement went on to say that exclusive training will be given to customs officials to identify and control ozone depleting materials in Istanbul from Feb. 25-27 and ızmir from March 2-3. The officials of the above mentioned customs and the staff of the Environment and Urbanization Provincial Directorate from Istanbul, Kocaeli, Bursa, Izmir, Antalya, Konya, Mersin, Manisa and Denizli will participate in the training.
Source Daily Sabah