This is the latest news we have from the British Embassy in Ankara regarding the new Tourist visa.

Visa regulations for British tourists in Turkey – update 9/3/12

The Turkish Authorities revised their visa procedures on 1 February 2012. (Please find below)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs have now provided us with a written update which states that:-

“…An amendment to the relevant legislation of the Interior Ministry has made it possible for provincial governor’s offices to issue ex officio residence permits for touristic purposes which are valid for up to six months (including six months) in line with general provisions on granting residence permits to foreigners who have arrived in our country on a visa issued by our foreign missions, an on-arrival visa or visa exemption agreements.
Foreigners who exceed the duration of their visa, visa

exemption or previously issued residence permits can benefit from the above-mentioned practice on the condition that they pay the penalty for overstaying.
In this respect, while Cabinet Decree No:2011/2306, which took effect on February 1, 2012 set the duration of stay in Turkey for foreigners as 90 days in an 180-day period, foreigners who are visiting our country as tourists can legally stay in our country for a total of nine months through a six-month residence permit which they can receive from governor’s offices upon application. …”


To summarise, British nationals who have arrived in Turkey on a tourist visa and who wish to stay on for a longer period can apply for a tourist residence permit for a stay of up to 9 months.  This provision already appeared in the original regulation (full text from Turkish Police website (in Turkish)) but it seems that the application procedures have now been simplified.

For further information or to make an application, you should contact your nearest Foreigners Police/Aliens Department (Yabancilar Subesi).

Consular Services Turkey
9 March 2012

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