LILY- Love In the Language of Yarn

Our main object is to provide blankets for Syrian refugee children in camps in Turkey. Secondly to provide winter warmers to orphans in orphanages throughout Turkey, and to provide NICU’s in several Turkish hospitals with blankets and garments for premature babies. (Mission statement on founding the charity, 14 March 2012).

Blankets for Syrian Refugee Children in camps in Turkey

Every square is a hug from someone who cares”.

Any spare wool you have can be knitted/crocheted/woven into eight inch/20cm squares and we’ll stitch them all together into a blanket. Our blankets are made by adults and children from all walks of life and many different countries around the world.

We acknowledge receipt of each gift, and post pictures of both the squares received and the finished blankets and other knitted goods on our facebook website.

We have a lively community of supporters from all around the world on facebook. There, news, support and practical tips are shared. The page also has links to ways of offering financial support (towards the cost of shipment of the blankets etc).

The need for blankets and other forms of clothing for babies and children remains as desperate as ever, and although we originally established a fixed goal for the number of blankets we could make, there is no limit to the number we are trying to make and send.

Some of our supporters are gathering together to make the squares and encourage each other in a community of knitters for charity. Your local contact is:

The Practicalities:


8” x 8” (20 cm x 20 cm) knitted/crocheted or woven. (We will make good use of any size, but 8” is best).

Any design or colour, but straight edges please. Weave in any ends, and leave a long tail at the end to help us sew the squares together.

Acrylic if possible, but whatever you have will be gratefully received.

Getting the squares to ‘LILY’

In order to keep your costs as low as possible, it is important to keep the parcels to under 2kg in weight (4lb,4oz), as this means it can be sent as a “small parcel”. We are happy to receive anything from 3 squares upwards at a time – whatever is easiest for you.

Mark the parcels “Small packet, knitting for charity. NO COMMERCIAL VALUE”.

Post to:

‘LILY’ c/o Dianne Jones

Cumhuriyet Mahlesi

Surucu Sokat

Yildrim Apart 11/2




Thank you.


This was put together by a supporter of LILY in London. Please feel free to print off and pass on. Thank you!

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