The latest news regarding the Universal Health Insurance (as of 25th January 2011) from the British Government is as follows:

Latest Update on Turkish Health Insurance Regulations

This is an update to our notice earlier today 25 January about the sudden changes to the Turkish health insurance system which have introduced compulsory state health insurance for foreigners when they have been in Turkey as registered residents  for over a year. Foreigners in this category are required to join the system by the end of January or face  a fine for non-payment.

The Ambassador and a consular team called on the Turkish authorities today.  He set our concerns over the substance, cost, lack of clarity and short notice of the change that has been announced.


After further discussion, we have established with the Turkish authorities that the situation is now as follows:

  • Following our representations, the new compulsory requirement to register for Turkish health insurance will NOT  (NOT) apply to British residents in Turkey.
  • But British residents who have already chosen to join the Turkish system will be allowed to continue in it.
  • And other British residents  will be allowed to join the Turkish scheme if they wish to do so.
  • Under the rules in their current form,  those who have been resident for over a year  and delay joining the Turkish system beyond  the deadline of 31 January 2012 can choose to join later;  but they would have to make a backdated payment to cover the period from 31 January if they had been resident in Turkey for a year at that  date, and pay a fine.
  • We are in continuing contact with the Turkish authorities over all this, including about the fine given that the situation remains confused and that our resident community members have not had adequate time or information to make such an important decision.
  • We will let you know as soon as we have more information.

As of yet we have no news for Irish and other nationalities but as soon as we get confirmation on their position we will update you.
It is wise to be aware that these rules can change on a day to day basis so keep checking our website for information.

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