Olives are known as a food that is frequently preferred as a delicious snack on the table and offers many health benefits. However, the issue of whether black olives or green olives should be preferred is among the frequently discussed topics among consumers. Explaining the health benefits of both green and black, Prof. Dr. Osman Müftüoğlu made important statements on the subject.
Olives, known as a food source full of antioxidants, that strengthen the immune system, support heart health, take their place on the tables with both black and green varieties. Both types of olives have unique nutritional profiles and differ in their benefits.
Black olives ferment during the ripening process and their colors change during this process. These olives can regulate the digestive system and support cellular health with their antioxidant capacity, thanks to the special components they contain.
On the other hand, green olives can be consumed as soon as they are harvested and are therefore less ripe. Green olives contain the natural bitterness of olives, and this property provides anti-inflammatory effects through the polyphenols they contain.
Which type of olive to choose generally depends on personal tastes and dietary preferences.
However, both types can be an important part of a healthy diet and can support the body by providing a range of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients when consumed regularly.
Do not swallow 50-60 olives!
Giving advice on olives, Osman Müftüoğlu said, “They are both very valuable foods. Benefit from both with peace of mind. Do not count three or five while eating, but be yourself, do not follow the advice of some and try to eat 50-100 olives every day! An average size olive is 4- “It provides 5 calories of energy; in large ones this figure can increase to 8-10 calories. When you ingest 50-60 olives, this corresponds to 500-1000 calories,” he said.
Olives are foods that offer a number of health benefits. Here are some important benefits of olives:
Olives contain healthy fats, especially monounsaturated fatty acids. These fats can protect heart health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by balancing cholesterol levels.
Olives, known as a food source full of antioxidants that strengthen the immune system, support heart health, take their place on the tables with both black and green varieties. Both types of olives have unique nutritional profiles and differ in their benefits.
Black olives ferment during the ripening process and their colors change during this process. These olives can regulate the digestive system and support cellular health with their antioxidant capacity, thanks to the special components they contain.
Some components found in olives, especially a phenolic compound called oleuropein, may exert inhibitory effects on cancer cells. Therefore, regular consumption of olives may be protective against some types of cancer.
Olives contain vitamins and minerals that can increase resistance to infections in the body. They can also support the immune system thanks to antioxidants.
Olives are rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. These minerals play an important role in maintaining and strengthening bone health.
Olives regulate the digestive system with their fiber content. Fiber supports the digestive process, improves intestinal health and protects against problems such as constipation.
Olives can be preferred as a satisfying snack, and the healthy fats they contain can increase the feeling of fullness. This may also help with weight control. Source Aydin Post