Probiotics, a term we have often heard in reference to yogurt, are made up of bacteria that are beneficial to the body.
These bacteria, which are often included in probiotic dietary supplements, increase the ability of the intestines to absorb vitamins and minerals, thereby preventing digestive problems. One of the most basic signs of a healthy body is healthy intestines. And one of the easiest and most direct ways to achieve this is through probiotics. Gastroenterologist Dr. Ahmet Burak Toros notes that there are some 100 trillion live bacteria that live in the intestinal system. Some of these bacteria are beneficial; some are harmful to one’s health. In healthy people, healthy bacteria outnumber harmful bacteria.Healthy bacteria help with digestion and absorption of nutrients, and they also help produce certain vitamins, making the intestines even stronger. Harmful bacteria produce toxins, prompting illness and problems. And so, in order to boost the numbers of helpful and healthy bacteria, probiotics can be used.
What sort of advantages do they offer? Probiotics are mixtures that include special nutritive items that help boost the levels of helpful bacteria in the intestines. The most important probiotics are, according to Toros, lactobacillus and bifidobacterium. There are many products available in pharmacies that include probiotics. You can also get probiotics straight from certain foods. Naturally fermented yogurts and kefir include helpful bacteria, which is why it’s a good idea to consume these yogurts regularly over a long period of time. When diarrhea and infected intestines become a problem, you should think about using supplemental probiotics available on the market. What is important, though, is not to simply take probiotics without a plan. Probiotics also make the functioning of intestines more regular, helping prevent constipation, illnesses that involve intestinal infection and even lactose intolerance. Probiotics also relieve some of the load put onto the liver and the kidneys in the body, helping to ultimately boost the immune system.
Source Zaman