This month sees the creation of the first full international rugby tournament to be played in Turkey. The local team, The Kusadasi Kartals is one of only six officially-recognised clubs in the whole of the country. Competing players will be arriving from Georgia, South Africa,England, Scotland, Ireland and other parts of play in the tournament which takes place between May the10th and 17th.

The club was originally formed in 2007 by a handful of die-hard Rugby fanatics who wanted to share their beloved pastime with the local community who, at the time, only had a limited appreciation of the sport. It soon took off and with encouragement from rugby fans, keen supporters of the club and local businesses the Kartals emerged as the first such club of its kind in Turkey.

The inevitable bureaucracy with its seemingly endless forms to fill in and fees to pay put paid to organising a full tournament in 2008 but with everything rubber-stamped for 2009 it is full steam ahead from here. The organisers of the contest are hoping that its popularity will grow and attract more and more teams to register for what will become an annual event.

In the pictures below you can see the Kartals warming up at the recent Worlds Biggest Buffet event where they had a publicity stand. For those of you interested in watching some of the action live the club will publish a full tournament schedule on their website shortly.

Whether you have followed the sport all your life or have never even seen a match you will be welcome at the various fund-raising social events that the club organises throughout the year. For more details of these events and other club news pick up a regular copy of The Ege Eye or visit their website at

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