Turkey’s Aegean region hosts the highest number of wind power plants in the country, constituting 38 percent of total wind power capacity.
Official data shows Turkey’s wind power capacity saw a one-third increase to 2,581 megawatts over the past year, suggesting the country’s efforts to diversify its energy resources have started to pay off.
The country’s wind power capacity also soared by 926 megawatts in the first eight months of this year, marking a 35 percent increase from the same period last year, according to data from the Energy Ministry.
A total of 47 wind power plants built by the private sector became operational during the period, and nearly 5 percent of all electricity capacity was yielded from wind turbines.
When considered on a monthly basis, the total amount of wind power capacity added in August was six times higher than in the same month last year, rising to 170 megawatts.
Turkey’s Aegean region continued to accommodate the highest number of wind power plants, constituting 38 percent of the country’s wind power capacity.
The Marmara region followed closely with 36 percent, while the Mediterranean ranked third with 15 percent, according to figures from the Energy Ministry.
Source Hurriyet