The Sea Light Hotel which is very popular with many Irish tourists was the scene of tragedy on Monday evening when a 25 year old female security guard working for The Sea Light Hotel was shot dead by her ex-Fiancé.

The young couple both from Soke were previously set to be married but for reasons which are as yet unclear they had ended their relationship with each other. The 24 year old male could not accept that things were over between the two and tried on numerous occasions to beg the young security guard to reconsider.

On Monday evening the young man who also worked as a security guard at a local 4 star hotel arrived at The Sea Light to meet with the young woman one last time and when she refused him again he then took out his gun and shot the young female. He then turned the gun to himself and fired one last shot.

When Police arrived both were found dead at the scene, lying next to the man’s body was a picture of the two at what looked to be at their engagement party and a note which read “ I did not want to do this, but I feel I had no alternative”.

The Public Prosecutor has launched an investigation to be led by the Police.

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