A Turkish Identification Number ( Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kimlik Numarası or T.C. Kimlik No.) is a unique personal identification number that is assigned to every citizen of Turkey.
Foreigners residing in Turkey at least six months for any purpose receive a Foreigner Identification Number, which is different from the Turkish Identification Number.The purpose of the identification number’s introduction is to resolve the problems that arise by same names of different citizens and to speed up the information transfer between the public institutions. With the identification number, services like taxation, security, voting, education, social security, health care, military recruitment, banking and many others can be carried out more quickly, rationally and reliably.
The identification number which was introduced in October 2000, is a unique 11-digit number given by the Central Registration Administration System computer on the basis of the person’s registration record that is kept by the registration office. The number does not reflect any personal information about the individual and it is not possible to change the identification number once applied.
Why should foreign residents get an ID number?
Firstly, getting an ID number is a legal requirement. The ID number smooths the way for a number of transactions you may undertake in Turkey, including taxation, health care and banking. There is no charge for an ID number.
How do I get my ID number?
You can apply for your ID number online, providing you already have residency (your ikamet). You should allow between 4 to 8 weeks after applying for your residency, before going online to get your kimlik.
- Go to https://tckimlik.nvi.gov.tr/Home
- Go to https://tckimlik.nvi.gov.tr/Home
- Click on “ Doğum Yılı ve İkamet Tezkere No ile Yabancı Kimlik No Sorgulama”.
- Put in your year of birth in the “ Doğum Yılı” box.
- Put in your residence permit number in the “ İkamet Tezkere No” box. This is found on page one of your blue book and should be entered in the format 8/88888.
- Fill in the number as shown in the “Okuyamadıysanız yenilemek için tıklayınız” section and hit the “sorgula” button. Your 11 digit Yabanci kimlik number will be now be available.