Writing by Dogan karaagac who wholeheartedly supports International Womens Working Day 2025.

We become human because of being a society. Living in a society is not a choice but a necessity. Because living alone is impossible due to the weak nature of our species – the low trophic level in the food chain.

While holding on to life in a society, we gain certain characteristics, abilities and emotions.

Some of the most important of the many acquisitions we have while living in a society are; Social feeling, the feeling of power and superiority and the feeling of humiliation.

These three acquisitions have a very important place and role in every human life.

In the struggle for superiority and power, with the development of agriculture and animal husbandry (approximately 12-13 thousand years), the male gender has gained an advantageous position against women and has maintained and maintained its superiority and power status (although its reign has been slightly shaken in some societies of the world today).

Essentially, there is no difference between the genders of men and women. They are equal bio-physiological forms. Neither men are stronger than women nor women are biologically weaker or stronger than men.

Women and men are two equal biological and physiological forms.

However, about 12 thousand years ago, the male gender, whose place and position in production increased and who came to the point of adding more value to community life, began to dominate women.

Until that day, the female gender, who had been the dominant gender in community life throughout the hunter-gatherer life (which covers a period of about three hundred thousand years), entered a process of becoming passive when her contribution to production decreased with agriculture and animal husbandry.

Of course, this was not that easy. Women resisted in order not to lose their position. However, the socio-economic laws of that period were developing in favor of men and as a result, women were defeated.

A segment of the female population, whose oppression has continued since then, has been trying to develop a new period and line of struggle to achieve equality with men for the last one or two centuries. However, the majority of the female population in the world is still far from this awareness and understanding of equality, and they continue to wear the shirt of insignificance – powerlessness and weakness that men have assigned to them and they continue to live like that. It should be stated first and foremost: The claim and assertion that women are weak and powerless compared to men is the biggest lie that the male gender has invented and has made women accept for 12 thousand years.

There is no job and occupation that men can do that women cannot do in terms of work and production.

The essence and summary of the situation is this;

as a result of the indoctrination, education and narration (which is male-desired) given to girls since they are babies for 12 thousand years, the lie that they are weak and powerless and men are strong and superior has been internalized in the population that makes up the female gender.

Not only have women accepted and internalized this big lie of men, they have also come to the point of defending this “male lie” by going even further.

In addition to education, suggestion and guidance, there is also helplessness and disorganization, and throughout history, the female gender has no other solution but to submit to this male lie.

This psychic phenomenon that has developed in women for thousands of years and at the same time has turned into a strong social feeling in the psychic world of the male gender who believes in this lie that is his own invention. The claim that

women are weak and men are strong, that they are not equal, is one of the greatest imaginary realities (lies) of history.

When we believe in something that does not exist, when we assume it in our imagination and fully commit to and defend this thing that we have invented, that non-existent thing has gained existence-factuality. In other words, the lie that we have invented in our imagination has now gained reality and become an imaginary fact. And as long as we continue to believe in this imaginary reality, it continues to exist – to come to life as if it were real. When we stop believing in it, that imaginary reality disappears.

As March 8th International Working Women’s Day approaches, I recommend all women to understand this historical reality, see this great lie of men, realize that men are not stronger or superior than them in any respect, and destroy this imaginary reality. I wholeheartedly congratulate this important day, Working Women’s Day.

Written by: Dogan Karaağaç https://fisildayankalemler.org/author/dogankaraagac/#google_vignette


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